Chanting Yoga combines two of the ancient processes of yoga – meditation (dyana)
and repetition of mantras by concentrating on sound vibration.
Chanting Yoga offers a practical solution to the pressures of our time. According to the vedic calendar, we are now in the age of Kali which has also been called the Machine age or the Iron age. It is a time when it is practically impossible to practice traditional meditation because we are constantly exposed to noise – traffic, mobile phones, music – which has become an integral part of our existence.
The nature of the mind is to be restless and this makes it extremely hard to concentrate on what we are doing let alone sit in tranquil meditation. Plus the pace of life makes it hard to find any time for our self.

Chanting yoga is perfectly suited to this modern time of stressful and busy lifestyles:
• You can chant anywhere and anytime
• You can chant alone or in a group
• You can chant at work, while traveling or at home
• You don’t have to wear anything special
• You don’t have to sit in a particular position
• You don’t have to carry out any gymnastics
Chanting Yoga is a sublime and simple process by which one can attain peace of mind, bliss and everlasting happiness.
From the vedic age came the idea of meditating with a mantra – a word or sound repeated to aid concentration.
“Man” is mind and “tra” is to liberate.
Therefore chanting of mantras frees the mind from entanglements.
Chanting yoga is based on the concepts of self-regulation, relaxation, and holism.
If one wishes, these concepts can be extended metaphorically to create a philosophy of living, encompassing diet,
health, lifestyle and relationships with others and the world.

The benefits of Chanting Yoga
Success without stress
• Reduced stress
• Increased focus and concentration
• Enhanced creative intelligence
• Higher productivity
Better health
• Reduced depression and anxiety
• Increased physical health
• Longevity in elderly
Part of a philosophy of living
• Diet: determining ones diet based on ones physiology and season, promoting optimal nourishment and balanced diet.
• Health: physical fitness and good health through prevention – learning to prevent ill health through balanced daily and seasonal routines, proper diet, and higher states of consciousness.
• Lifestyle: relaxation and leading a life which is in harmony with law of
nature by successfully controlling the expression of the “self”.
• Relationships: the deeper goal of yoga sifts out the unreal from the real thus enhancing relationships and family life.

How will Chanting Yoga help you?
A study on meditation in the workplace showed that meditation:
• Reorganizes your energy and vital force.
• Heightens resistance to common diseases (viral infections).
• Pranayam and meditation is known to boost your immune system.
• Managing negative emotions/feelings means an individual can achieve success at a higher level
and an organization can perform closer to peak efficiency.
The bottom line is increased job satisfaction and bigger profits.
• Meditation has been known to be effective in reversing heart disease, dealing with negative emotions,
reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, diminishing anxiety, stopping smoking, weight loss, eating disorders,
addictions, boosting the immune system, and improving sports performance.
• Helps to gain control of your emotions and mind.
• Regularity and punctuality.
• Better understanding in family and social life.
• Increases memory.
• Enhances Virtues like straight forwardness, generosity, honesty and productivity.
• Awakening our original consciousness.
• Experiencing great peace and supreme knowledge.
• Strengthen and recondition your entire body.
• Regain youthful flexibility in spine and limbs.
• Asanas (physical postures) have shown to improve the flexibility of the spine and help in the mobility of the joints.
• Redistribute weight- With the practice of asanas and meditation
one can achieve weight loss to a greater degree in a short span of time.
Weight can be reduced faster then most diets.
Please also read also:
Yoga as Preventive Medicine, EEG Waves in Yoga Studies, Meditation in Yoga, Yoga & Ethics, Intro to One-ness and Difference, The Science of Chanting Yoga, Yoga Diet & Why an Ayurvedic Diet.
And see you soon in one of our Retreats!